MYFest – What I’m doing this summer #myfest22
I have been craving a reason to reconnect with my friends in the Open Education / Critical Theory space, so when Maha Bali suggested that we create our own kind of emergent professional development – something that is online but not all at once, and that feeds you intellectually and emotionally – that sounded like something I wanted to be part of.
Since then, a group of us led by Maha Bali and Mia Zamora, have come together to create an amazing mixture of professional development activities, brought together as a “conference” called MYFest. Our goals include keeping it affordable and scheduling it so that no two sessions overlapped. There would be no reason for FOMO (Fear of missing out) – except that there are too many sessions that it would be a challenge to do them all.
MYFest will take place in June, July, and August. Yours truly will be doing a few sessions, including one on creating infographics, one on strategies to make teaching online more efficient, and maybe one on what we can learn from sociocracy. In addition, I am offering some open office hours called “Ask an Instructional Designer”.
I’m looking forward to not only presenting but also attending the amazing sessions that are hosted by amazingly cool people. It will definitely be a chance to re-charge and learn new ways of thinking and supporting my students.
Interested? Check out MYFest at https://myfest.equityunbound.org
If you are on twitter, we will be using #myfest22